

You have questions? We have answers! Click on a question below to see more details about DailyHello and how we operate.


Do I get a discount if I sign up for an entire year instead of paying month to month?

Yes. DailyHello is $3.99/month or $39.99/year (save almost 20%). 

Can I switch from a monthly to a yearly plan?

Absolutely. Once you have logged into your account, click on the red link below to update your preferences.

Just click here.
Can I switch from a yearly to a monthly plan?

Yes. Once you have logged into your account, click on the red link below to update your preferences.

Just click here.
What happens when my monthly or yearly subscription ends?

Your subscription will automatically renew with whatever plan you have selected.

How do I cancel my subscription?

We hate to see you go, but we understand. Canceling your subscription is simple. Once you have logged into your account, click on the red link below to update your preferences.

Click here.
How do I pause my notifications?

Once you have logged into your account, click on the red link below to update your preferences.

To pause your notifications, click here.
What do you mean by “preferences?"

Your preferences refers to the information that you can control, such as the days that you receive a DailyHello, the time your DailyHello arrives, the allotted response time, your contacts' information, etc. 

How do I give someone else a subscription?
Just click here to go to the "Gift a Purchase" page.
Should I set my account up on my phone or computer?

It may be easier to complete the setup process on a computer than on a phone if you are not tech-savvy.


How should I respond to my DailyHello text?

Anything is fine, as any response means that you're okay! You can respond with "I'm fine," "OK," or "It's supposed to rain today.” DailyHello will recognize all of these responses as the same thing: you are safe and fine. 

When should I respond to my DailyHello text?

DailyHello strongly advises that you respond immediately! You don't want to forget to respond, as this would result in your contacts receiving false alarms.

Who should I choose for my contacts?

DailyHello suggests that you choose friends or relatives that you trust to follow up on your well-being. 

How many contacts should I have? How many can I have?

DailyHello recommends you have at least two contacts, but you can have up to 10. 

What if one of my contacts no longer wants to be a contact?

It is your responsibility to go to your account settings and delete them. Once you have logged into your account, click here to go to your account settings. Check the "Remove" box next to each you wish to delete and then click "Save."

What happens if I do not respond to my DailyHello text?

All your contacts will be notified immediately that you did not respond. DailyHello will NOT contact EMS, the police, or any authorities.

How can I temporarily pause my DailyHello texts?

Once you have logged into your account, click on the red link below to update your preferences.

Click here to pause your notifications.
Can I adjust my account settings on my phone instead of the website?

Yes. You have equal control on your phone and the website.

Customer Service

How can I get in touch with DailyHello?

You can email us at contact@dailyhello.com, or you can click the button below. If this doesn't resolve your issue, we will be happy to give you a call.

Contact Us


Does anybody ever see my responses to DailyHello?

No. We only monitor to make sure that you do respond.

Will you sell my information?

No. We will never sell your email or phone number to any other companies.

Is my credit card information secure?

Absolutely. We utilize the highest level of encryption to ensure your security.


Will emergency services be contacted if I don’t respond?

No. We will only alert the people on your contact list.

What happens if my phone is dead or broken?

DailyHello will continue to send daily texts. We strongly recommend that you pause your notifications so your contacts are no longer being notified. Once you have logged into your account, click on the red link below to update your preferences.

Click here to pause your notifications.
Can I receive a phone call instead of a text?

Not at this time, however, we may consider this addition in the future. Click here and vote for phone calls to let us know you are interested.

Why is this a great gift for a college student?

DailyHello is a great alternative to a daily phone call. These texts provide peace of mind for the concerned parent without taking away the independence of the college student. 

Why is this a great gift for pet owners?

This is a fantastic way to provide security for pets that rely on a single individual for their welfare.

Does DailyHello work internationally?

DailyHello will alert your loved ones of your wellbeing without the hassle of expensive phone plans or calculating time zone differences.