

More About DailyHello

A check-in system for those who live alone or have an independent lifestyle

Peace of Mind

One in seven Americans—a quarter of all U.S. households—live alone. No matter the reason for living alone, it’s important to stay in touch with others. 

DailyHello offers those who live independently the opportunity to answer a daily text to let the system know they’re okay. If they don't respond, DailyHello sends out texts to those on the user’s contact list recommending they check in on their loved one. It’s a simple system, but one that provides peace of mind.

Anyone who lives alone
College students
People with disabilities
Pet owners

The Best Way for Independent People to Stay Connected

You value your independence and don’t like people to make a fuss. But when you live independently or travel frequently, it’s good to have a system in place to check on you in case of an emergency. DailyHello triggers a text and/or email to your contacts if you don't respond. Your contacts will then know to check on you. 

Security for Your Pet

For many of us, our lives are enriched by a furry, household companion. While they do so much to brighten our days, they are still dependent on us. DailyHello provides a safety net for their wellness in case you are suddenly unable to provide for their daily needs.